Title A Study on the Waterabsorption in Cementmortar Composite
Authors Lee Min-Seok
Page pp.127-134
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Cementmortar Composite ; Waterabsorption ; Water/Cement Ratio
Abstract The purpose of this study is to grasp the water absorption character of composite that join mortar specimens of several water cement ratio(45, 55, 65%) verticality or horizontality. The water absorption tested by KS F 2609 and the mechanism of water absorption demonstrated by the coefficient of water absorption. The result of test is as follows ; - In any case, the amount of water absorption is increased by the square root of time. - In case that the amount of water absorption of the lower part mortar is small, that control the amount of water absorption of composite. -??In case that the amount of water absorption of the lower part mortar is large, the curve of the amount of water absorption have a part of inflection. - The more a lower part mortar is thick, the more the coefficient of water absorption of composite is large. - In case that mortar specimens of several water cement ratio is joined horizontal, water is absorbed vertically, rapidly in part of a high absorption coefficient mortar and at the same time absorbed horizontally into side mortar. As a result, water absorption of composite is decreased.