Title The study on S/A at Mix design of Concrete using Recycled Aggregate
Authors Choi Hee-Bok ; An Sung-Hoon ; Park Hee-Gon ; Yoon Jie-Eon ; Kim Chun-Hak ; Kang Kyung-In
Page pp.151-158
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Recycled aggregate ; Recycled Concrete ; Proportion of fine aggregate(S/a)
Abstract The proportion of fine aggregate(S/a) is important factor to acquire required slump and compressive strength in concrete. Decision of the S/a can decide easily by past experience in normal concrete, but the decision of S/a, in recycled aggregate concrete, is some difficult by insufficiency of experience and data. This research, according to S/a(42%, 47%, 52%), replacing ratio of recycled aggregate(coarse aggregate; 0%, 30%, 50%, 100%, fine aggregate; 0%, 10%, 30%, 50%, 70%, 100%) as main variables of mix design, did fluidity test in fresh concrete and compressive strength and tensile strength test at hardened concrete. Result of this research is 1) the that the proportion of fine aggregate have an effect on fluidity and compressive strength of recycled aggregate concrete is depended on the replacing ratio of recycled aggregate, 2) it is profitable in quality of recycled concrete that the proportion of fine aggregate do by below 42% in recycled aggregate concrete.