Title A Study on the Formation of Crime Prevention Environment of the Outdoor Space in the Apartment Complex
Authors Kang Seok-Jin ; An Eun-Hee ; Lee Kyung-Hoon
Page pp.19-28
ISSN 12269093
Keywords fear of crime ; neighborhood relationship ; outdoor space utilization ; apartment complex
Abstract This study intends to examine the relationships among the degree of outdoor space utilization, frequency and strength of social interactions among the residents, and crime-related factors especially focusing on the fear of crime, in the setting of urban apartment complex. A questionnaire survey of 240 residents, field observation, and the exhaustive analysis of site plans were used to achieve the objective of the study.
Statistical analysis methods such as analysis of variance, correlation, and t-test were used to analyze the data gathered. Results showed that the higher the frequency of social interaction among residents, the lower the residents' perceived fear of crime. In addition, the more actively the residents utilize their outdoor space, the less fear of crime they showed in using outdoor space in their apartment complex. Also, the study revealed that the fear of crime was also closely related with residents' territorial attitudes. Finally, several implications for designing safer living environments were suggested. Implications include the target hardening strategies such as installations of closed circuit televisions, safety mirrors or improvement of security lighting at vulnerable outdoor spaces, as well as community building strategies such as reinforcing the community attachment and the introduction of residents' voluntary crime prevention program.