Title A Study on Dynamic Transformation with the Poststructuralism in Digital Architecture
Authors Im Jee-Hun ; Lee Myung-Sik
Page pp.63-72
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Digital Architecture ; Dynamic Transformation ; Complexity ; Multiplicite ; Multiplicite Interne
Abstract The purpose of this research is to propose the dynamic transformation in digital architecture. It is possible that we consider our world as a multiplicite which connotes the qualitative complexity by rehabilitation of qualitative manifold and individual concept. Dynamic transformation makes it possible that digital architects access to the notion of complex space structure and various forms by a means of expression and new logic. This paper comes to search the following six elements of dynamic transformation based on the Deleuzian models and concepts. ?? First, the notion of progressional movement by reiterative structure. Second, the notion of symmetry by folding structure. Third, decentralization by rhizome thinking. Fourth, granting of implication by systematization of event. Fifth, embodiment of plurality by notion of point singulie. Sixth, specialization of potential by unfolding energy. Each subdividable element is analysed through dynamic flows in relation to interaction and mutual dependence. This paper proposes the meaning of dynamic transformation in digital architecture by complex network structure between subdividable elements.