Title A Study on Architectural Characteristics of Well-Being Apartments Based on the Comparison between Newspaper Advertisements and Consumer Preferences
Authors Lee Jae-Hyuk ; Je Hae-Soeng
Page pp.127-134
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Well-Being ; Apartment ; Newspaper Advertisement ; Preference
Abstract This Study is to find out the architectural characteristics of well-being apartments based on the comparison between newspaper advertisement and consumer preferences. As a marketing strategy, homebuilders advertise to the consumers the good features that their products have equipped. This study has taken a look at newspaper advertisements to analyze the well-being features of apartments and employed the research method of content analysis. This study has analyzed newspaper advertisements from 2003 till 2004 to find out the well-being features that the homebuilders want to emphasize at the advertisements. The study has also employed a survey method to find out the consumer preferences on the features of well-being apartments. the study has found out that homebuilders have a tendency to emphasize well-being features of outdoor environment such as theme garden/plentiful green but consumers prefers to have those of apartment unit and outside jogging track.