Title A Study on the Apartment Housing Remodeling Types and Features Caused by Spatial Transformation
Authors Jung Hye-Jin ; Kim Ki-Ho
Page pp.155-164
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Apartment housing remodeling ; Spatial transformation ; Types of Remodeling ; Adaptive-Reuse
Abstract The objective of this research is to suggest the types and features of remodeling classified by spatial transformation through case studies of apartment housing remodeling since 2001. Through case studies of apartment housing remodeling, it was possible to classify each term with its level of action. Those terms were repair, improvement, replacement, addition, integration. And after analysis on the level of remodeling was made, the types of apartment remodeling were categorized into four, which is “Room-change” type, “Unit-area addition” type, “Unit-integration extension” type, and “Site-integration expansion” type. Domestic remodeling can be easily said that it has accomplished its role as to improve residential qualities, however, the outcome has been supported by the progress in economic expansion. In other words, demands for remodeling had been primarily originated by advancement in domestic economical level rather than initiates by demands for elevated spatial use in each size of residence. The remodeling is intensively focused in partial-reconstruction. Unfortunately another affirmative effect of remodeling, the community improvement effect has not been realized because the remodeling were concentrated in indoor space enlargement mainly for higher economic value. Consequently, it is highly recommended to continue more research in models for residential area restoration and effective distribution mainly in open spaces and outdoor facilities