Title The Architectural Characteristics and the Utilization on the Indoor Public Space of Super-high-rise Housing
Authors Jeon Myung-Hwa ; Lee Hyun-Ju ; Jung Sang-Sun ; Park Young-Ki ; Kim Chung-Kwon ; Ryoo Chong-Hyuk ; Han Yon-Ho ; Huh Yuong-Joo
Page pp.173-182
ISSN 12269093
Keywords super-high-rise housing ; public space ; utilization architecture characteristics
Abstract As the demand for higher houses and the preference for the quality of life grew, super-high-rise housings over thirty-stories came out in the 1990's. The higher and the larger housings become, the more community spaces are needed. Besides the super-high-rise housings contain complexly various spaces for leisure and the fittings of a store in the residential building. Thus, the objective of this study is to analyze the architectural characteristics and to investigate the utilization on the indoor public space of super-high-rise housing. The method of research was based on literature review, field research and an interview with specialists. The object of study is the residential buildings with more than thirty stories that have been built in Seoul since 1999.