Title A Study on the Air Tightness Performance and Stack Effect Characteristics in High-Rise Apartments
Authors Lee Kwang-Ho ; Kim Sang-Min ; Park Yong-Hoo ; Moon Jang-Soo ; Sohn Jang-Yeul
Page pp.279-286
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Air Tightness Performance ; Indoor-outdoor Pressure Difference ; Stack Effect ; Air Leakage Rate
Abstract The purpose of this study is to assess the air tightness and to analyze the behavior of the stack effect in high-rise apartments. In this study, the air tightness and air pressure of two different apartments were measured in both summer and winter. Moreover, the measured and theoretically calculated air leakage rate were compared to each other. As a result, the following conclusions were obtained. According to ASHRAE Standard 119-1988, both apartments can be considered to be relatively airtight. The indoor-outdoor pressure difference measured in winter at both apartments were higher than those measured in summer due to the relatively higher temperature difference between the indoor and outdoor air in winter, causing stack effect. Furthermore, there were some error between the measured and calculated air leakage rate in both apartments, but the variation pattern of air leakage were found to be similar to each other.