Title The Evaluation Structure of Visual Images on the Streetscapes
Authors Han Myung-Ho
Page pp.287-296
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Caption Evaluation Method ; Participatory Research ; Visual Image ; Streetscape ; Evaluation of Streetscape ; Namwon City
Abstract The purpose of this study is to find out the evaluation structure of visual images about streetscapes in urban area. Using the caption evaluation method, which is a new method, from 2001 to 2005, a total of 45 college students participated in a fieldwork on the main streets of Namwon city. Resulting from this, it was obtained various visual data which include elements, features, impressions, and estimation (preference). In Namwon city, the elements of visual image consist of buildings, location/space, constructions, things/objects, humans, and nature. The features of visual images consist of appearance, scale, extent, existence/composition, image, situation, and function/relationship. The impressions of visual images consist of atmosphere, emotion, personality, esthetic sense, formation, size, safety, convenience, pace, and use. From the relationships between each element of formation and estimation(preference), it was found that the elements, features and impressions of the visual images individually consist of positive, neutral, and negative images. Also, it was able to grasp the characteristics of visual image of place or space through the evaluation model of streetscapes in Namwon city.