Title A Study on the Calculation of Minimum Required Air Change Per Hour for Apartment House
Authors Ahn Tae-Kyung
Page pp.297-304
ISSN 12269093
Keywords minimum required air change per hour ; Apartment House ; Carbon dioxide
Abstract The object of the present study is to suggest the figure suitable for the measured area by measuring the carbon dioxide outside, one of the factors to be used in the formula to calculate the minimum required air change per hour for the indoor of the apartment house, and to propose the minimum required air change per hour for the indoor of the apartment house in the measured area by substituting this value in the formula. Result of study is as follow. First, carbon dioxide outside was suggested being divided into three areas. Second, the minimum required air change rate per the sizes of apartment house was suggested based on the suggested value of outside carbon dioxide. Third, after result of comparing the measured air change per hour of one room with the minimum required air change per hour, it did not meet the minimum required air change per hour in case one (1) or two (2) adults reside in a room, while it nearly met that in case one (1) child resides in a room, which means that the room resided by adult should be more considered to be ventilated.