Title A Survey Study on the Electric Power Consumption of Apartments
Authors Hwang Kwang-Il
Page pp.305-312
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Apartment ; Electric power utility ; Electric power consumption ; Energy saving
Abstract The purpose of this study is on the analysis and evaluations of consuming characteristics of electric power of apartments in korea, at the view point of its designed-capacity of electric power transformer, contracted capacity of electric power for common purpose facilities, and also consuming trends of monthly average electric power, etc. The followings are the results of this study. ①Among the survey- requested apartments in nation wide, 32 apartments' data were evaluated as effective and available. ② Between number of households and the capacity of transformers for households, and contracted- electric power for common purpose facilities also have obvious mutual relations, respectively. ③ Consumption trends of monthly average electric power shows that summer and winter are more higher than the other seasons, because of air-conditioning power in summer and pumping power for hot water in winter. ④At the view point of regional analysis, GyeongGi-Do and Seoul's consumptions are 1.5 times higher than the other areas. ⑤Electric power consumption for common purpose facilities of central-heating adopted apartments which needs more power for pumping hot water in winter is more higher than individual and district heating adopted's.??⑥Designed-capacity of??electric power could be a more reasonable as a evaluation criterion, when comparing of electric power consumption between own purposing apartments and rental.