Title Hysteretic Behavior of Beam-to-Column Connections with Slit Plate Dampers
Authors Oh Sang-Hoon ; Kim Young-Ju
Page pp.101-108
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Slit plate damper ; Energy absorption capacity ; Semi-rigid connection ; Re-use
Abstract The resistance of a structure against an earthquake is related to its ability to absorb the seismic input energy. The development of devices for dissipating the seismically induced energy on the structure is a subject that is receiving large attention the field of earthquake engineering. One example of these devices is the steel plate with slits. In this paper, a connection with a slit-type steel plate damper installed at each ends of wide-flange section beam, as an energy absorption element, was proposed. A series of experiment was performed to investigate their behavior and structural characteristic. The main parameters were the aspect ratio of the struts in slit plates, thickness of the struts and height of the vertical plates. Test results indicated that most of the energy was absorbed by plastic deformation of slit plate dampers.