Title A Study of the Risk Management on the Apartment Reconstruction Projects
Authors Woo Kwang-Min ; Lee Hak-Ki
Page pp.175-182
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Apartment Reconstruction Projects ; Risk Management ; Risk Identification ; Risk Analysis ; Risk Response
Abstract The apartment reconstruction projects are very uncertain and changeable because the progress that the projects get through is very complicated, the period by the time to complete them tends to be prolonged, and the participants involved in the projects have own interests. Unlike a new project with which contractors with special knowledge and capitals are in charge, the reconstruction projects may frequently accompany with critical problems such as the work delay, conflicts between participants, continuously increased project. The principle causeunder these circumstances is the lack of a decision-maker who qualifies for a decision making.???? In order to improve the quality of the decision making, and then finally complete projects successfully, risk management needs to be considered for establishing systemic process and cutting off uncertainties in reconstruction projects. Accordingly, the study focuses on gathering the basic information for setting up the system which can manage risks efficiently.