Title A Basic Study on Upgrading of the Evaluation Factorsof the Protective Capacity in Military Protective Facilities
Authors Lee Jong-Chan ; Park Young-Jun ; Kim Gong-Sug ; Lim Tae-Sub ; Park Young-Gi
Page pp.31-38
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Military Protective Facilities ; Conventional Weapons ; Protective Capacity
Abstract A protective wall is designed to secure personnel and equipments inside military facilities which are constructed against the explosion of conventional weapons. The purpose of this paper is to propose evaluating factors for the determination of an appropriate thickness of a such protective wall. The governing equation calculating the thickness of such a protective wall from any explosion is derived from the concept of deformation limit set by US experiments.
The study shows that thickness of a protective wall is the most significant factor among the protective capacities . Also, the thickness of a protective wall is dependent upon explosion power of bomb, type of military facilities and the point of explosion.
This research suggested basic concept for designing military protective facilities. This research has contributed to expand the extent of the former studies, which applied only to the proximity explosion, and thereby enabled the evaluation factor of protective capacity to be applicable to the case of contact explosion.