Title A Study on the Development of a Web-based Computer Program for Architectural Plan Formations Using Peter Eisenman's Plan Shape Grammar of House Series
Authors Kwon Young-Sook ; Lee Kwang-Hee
Page pp.57-66
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Shape Grammar ; Peter Eisenman ; Rule ; Plan Composition ; Mathematical Model ; Computer Program ; Web
Abstract This study used shape grammar theory to analyze the architectural structures of Peter Eisenman and to develop a computer program for the Mass study of the architectural design process on the basis of the defined rules. Shape grammar is a theory of analyzing and specifying the architectural designs from a linguistic approach. This was used to analyze House I, II, IV, and VI, the four similar plane styles of Eisenman's house series, and to applied the defined rules to House III and X that had distinctive plane styles. In result, it was found that the defined rules were applied sequentially and that, unlike the findings from preceding studies, the deformation of the latter two houses had been formed by move and rotation functions. The computer program that was developed based on the analysis is: first, it creates varieties of shapes fast following the intentions of the designer. Therefore, creative approach to the formation of shapes is made easier and the design options are made more expansive. Second, the shapes created in the program can be applied to the arrangement of architectural planes in the given space. Third, the defined rules follow the geometric information and therefore, do not require professional architectural knowledge to create new shapes for improved convenience. Fourth, the environment is online Web space and takes advantage of the internet's user-friendly interface and broad connection to be easily accessible for the users from any location.