Title A Study on Interaction Design in Spacewith the Application of Ubiquitous Technology
Authors Park Hee-Ryoung ; Kim Uk
Page pp.111-120
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Ubiquitous Space ; Interaction Design in Space ; Emotional-sensible Sspace Design ; Intellectual Space Design ; Organic and Sustainable Space Design
Abstract The ubiquitous space presents new architectural space with ubiquitous technology revolution after modernism. The ubiquitous space is represented multiple, plural and multi-dimensional space through the digitalism and nomadic thought in cultural, social paradigm at the present time. The purpose of this study was to analyze the Interaction design in space with the application of ubiquitous technology. This study generalizes the criteria in the many disciplines of ubiquitous computing into a conceptual framework, including interaction interface, sensing technology and human adaptation. The results of this study were as follows; to realize the interaction design in space is possible through conceptual means with emotional-sensible space, intellectual space, organic and sustainable space design.