Title A Study on the Architectural Types and Characteristics of Correctional Facility focused on the Prison Architecture
Authors Lee Young-Soo ; Moon Young-Sam
Page pp.131-138
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Correctional Facility ; Prison ; Site Planning ; Housing Type
Abstract The physical environment of the modern correctional facility has much effort on the rehabilitation of the inmate. But it is little that the domestic study on the architectural planning for the correctional facility. This study aimed to offer the basic architectural data and to suggest desirable direction for the inmate in correctional facility designs, through the investigation of the domestic and foreign instances. Especially, the site planning and housing type of the prison architecture important analysing in this paper.
As the result of study, the foreign instances have various type of the spatial composition and the shape. These characteristics of planning are purposed to express based on the escort and management of correctional facility. But most of domestic correctional facilities are very much similar in the site planning type, housing shape and housing plan.