Title The Analysis of the Sunshine Condition of Tower-type Apartment Houses
Authors Hwang Hye-Young ; Lee Jong-Won
Page pp.219-226
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Tower-type Block ; Plate-type Block ; Duration of Sunshine
Abstract The tower-type block has been increasing in apartment complex recently, so this study is to analyze the sunshine condition of tower-type apartment houses as compared with plate-type ones. First, we collected the cases and classified by plan figure, then calculated the sunshine duration of five kinds of plan figure by orientation. In result, the L-shape one is best type of the tower-type block in sunshine condition and T-shape one is worst type. Some cases of the tower-type block, T-shape, Y-shape, twin wing-shape, are less sunlit time than plate-type block of the equal condition, but L-shape and ㅁ-shape ones are similar to plate-type block. According to results of case studies, good sunshine households in tower-type apartment houses are less than plate type ones, and poor sunshine households also decresed.