Title Evaluation of Flexural Behavior of Continuous Composite Slab Using Semi-Slim Floor System
Authors Shim Hyun-Ju ; Lee Eun-Taik
Page pp.19-26
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Reduction of Floor-to-floor Height ; Continuous Composite Slabs ; Semi-slim Floor System ; Flexural Behavior
Abstract Many high-rise buildings have been built recently in downtown area, and the reduction technology of floor-to-floor height out of all has become an important factor in economical point of view. Slim floor system is now widely used not only in Northern and West Europe, but also in other areas including Americas and Asia. It is competitive when savings in the fire protection, cladding costs and easy integration of services are taken into account. In order to evaluate and design the continuous composite slab using semi-slim floor system, experimental program was performed using 7 different shape's specimens of supported beam, haunch, slab thickness, negative reinforcement ratio and shear stud. Results of 7 two-span continuous slabs tests with fixed-ends were presented and discussed