Title A Prediction of the Durability life at RC Structure with Surface Finishing Materials in Marine Environment
Authors Lee Han-Seung ; Lee Woo-Jin
Page pp.119-126
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Marine Environment ; Surface Finishing Materials ; RC Structures ; Durability Life ; Prediction
Abstract Recently, it is important issued at the factor of deterioration in RC structure. Chloride ion diffusion is the most important thing of occuring deterioration in RC structure. It is important to decide the precise chloride ion diffusion coefficient in order to predict the durability life in RC structure. A most effective factor in chloride ion diffusion coefficient is W/C, curing time etc. Consequently, the purpose of this study is to analyze the established data, which are restricted by chloride diffusion coefficient, and to calculate chloride ion diffusion coefficient using RCPT test. To examine the prediction of the concrete structure durability by an FEM analysis and the chloride diffusion coefficient as a variable. Each surface finishing materials were effective on the increment of chloride penetration resistance, but showed a little different effect depending on the type of surface finishing material