Title A Study on Construction Method of Protruding Corners of Eaves and Corner Bracketsof the Hipped-and-Gable Roof Chusimpo Style Buildings
Authors Ryu Seong-Lyong
Page pp.143-151
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Hipped-and-gable Roof ; Chusimpo ; Protruding Corners of Eaves ; Corner Brackets
Abstract The final purpose of this study make clear the fact that Chusimpo style architecture used few hipped and gable roof. At first, in this paper sorted hipped-and-gable roof Chusimpo style architecture by corner bracketing system and placement of protruding corners of eaves. As a result, there are three different ways in three buildings which are Bu-seok-sa Mu-ryang-su-jeon, Go-san-sa Dae-ung-jeon and Na-ju-hyang-gyo Dae-seong-jeon. The first, Bu-seok-sa Mu-ryang-su-jeon used Do-mae-cheom at the corner bracketing system both inside and outside of the corner column and place the protruding corners of eaves on the Chu-sim-do-ri, below the Ha-jung-do-ri and under the Jung-jung-do-ri. The second, Go-san-sa Dae-ung-jeon used timber at right angles with U-mi-ryangs inside the corner column and place the protruding corners of eaves on the Chu-sim-do-ri and also on the Ha-jung-do-ri. The third, Na-ju-hyang-gyo Dae-seong-jeon used ┐shaped joint up and down at the same distance and place the protruding corners of eaves on the Chu-sim-do-ri and on the Ha-jung-do-ri. When the four Ha-jung-do-ri joint at right angle, the front and rear are over the column but the right and reft are outside and above the column.