Title A study on the Improvement of Adhesion in Tension of Cement Mortar Using Polymer Dispersions
Authors Jo Young-Kug ; So Seoung-Young ; Soh Yang-Seob
Page pp.123-130
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Polymer-Modified Mortar ; Polymer Dispersion ; Polymer-Cement Ratio ; Adhesion in Tension
Abstract In recent years, polymer-modified mortars using polymer dispersions have been widely used as finish and repair materials in the construction industry because of their excellent properties compares to those of ordinary cement mortar. Especially, the adhesion improvement of ordinary cement mortar and concrete has attracted a great deal of attention from researchers, and several unique and simply applicable techniques for the adhesion improvement have been developed.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of curing conditions on adhesion in tension of polymer-modified mortars to cement concrete substrate in comparison with ordinary cement mortar.
The polymer-modified mortars using three polymer dispersions with various polymer-cement ratio are prepared, and tested for the adhesion in tension of the specimens subjected to four curing conditions such as dry cure(20℃, 50%R.H-28day), water cure(20℃-28day), heat cure(1day-20℃, 50%R.H + 7day-70℃ + 21day-20℃, 50%R.H) and freezing and thawing cure (-18℃~+4℃ for 60Cycles).
From the test results, the adhesion in tension of polymer-modified mortars tends to increase with increasing polymer-cement ratio irrespective of the polymer types and curing conditions. It is apparent that the adhesion in tension of polymer-modified mortars is considerably influenced by curing conditions.