Title A Study on the Critical Influential Factors of Environment-friendly Planning Elements on Residents' Satisfaction in Multi-family Housing
Authors Choi Sung-Pil ; Lee Jung-Nam ; Kim Joo-Hwan ; Huh Young-Joo ; Kim Chung-Kwon ; Jung Sang-Sun ; Han Yon-Ho ; Ryoo Chong-Hyuck
Page pp.81-88
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Environment-Friendly ; Residents' Satisfaction ; Multi-family Housing ; POE
Abstract The purpose of this study is to survey the residents' satisfaction on environment-friendly planning elements in multi-family housing and show the most important factors that influence on the residents' satisfaction in multi-family housing. This study has been focused on analyzing the influential factors of environment-friendly planning elements that affect the overall satisfaction of inhabitants through P.O.E. For this purpose, the classification system and the related factors were composed based on the precedent papers regarding environment-friendly elements in housing. The samples were analyzed by SPSS 12.0 Windows.