Title A Fundamental Study on the Setting Wheelchair Users Basic Motion Dimensions in Architectural Spaces
Authors Kim Min-Gyeong ; Park Yong-Hwan
Page pp.157-164
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Wheelchair Users ; Anthropometry ; Displacement Activity ; Use Activity
Abstract To reflect human body diversity in architectural design, we need anthropometric data for users. Especially, because wheelchair users occupies wide spaces, and their arms and hands reach lower, designers have to consider their body dimensions. But it is difficult to find source which we have to measure items for wheelchair users body dimensions and have to reflect wheelchair users dimensions in architectural space. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to set structural and functional anthropometric measurements items and to establish relationship between its item and application in architectural spaces design. From the standpoint of accessibility, all activities that wheelchair users perform have two components: 1. Displacement- Movement to the appropriate place for carrying out the activity, 2. Use - Carrying out the action per se. Both components are essential. So. This study analysis point of view is their components.