Title A Study on the Spatial Order and Formation in NaJu Castle Areas
Authors Shon Seung-Kwang ; Kim Byoung-Jin
Page pp.181-190
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Castle ; Castle City ; Spatial Organization ; Growth Order ; Urban Design
Abstract Most of the urban in Korea are presented as a monotonous scape in the modernization. This article intend to find a identical element in the urban context, historical cities in Korea which is developed in a long time, and it can be a motives to establish identical urban environment based on cultural context.
A Naju Old Castle in a south-western province in Korea have a history of local capital, and it developed a typical castle city, and this article deals the form and transformation of a castle, road, settlement, and composition of the centre of urban space; First, the formation of the castle was growed four stage. Second, it can be analysed stage three to stage four, and the transformation and the extended boundary was eastern part of the castle in state of road system was extended toward outside of the castle. Third, the growth of the castle was incremental process and the road network appeared as organic.
In this article, the formation and transformation of the Naju Old Castle shows the identical order as a place in urban context, this characters can be develop a future urban design and reform.