Title A Study on the Structure of Experience in Primary Psycho-Scenes in MemoriesAppeared in Secret Places
Authors Kim Jong-Ha ; Kim Sung-Hwa
Page pp.227-236
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Primary Psycho-scenes in Memories ; Secret Place ; Structure of Experience ; Urban Scenery
Abstract This study was carried out to examine the structure of experience in primary psycho-scenes in memories, by analysing the experience structure of young people's primary psycho-scenes in secret places. It seems that while the primary psycho-scenes are remaining in memories they are unconsciously reflected in choosing some behavior or place and act as a preconceived idea to have unconscious effects on human present and future behaviors. The result of this study is summarized as follows.
1). When secret places were examined on the basis of their ages, it was shown that males had their clearer memories of secret place at the time when they are 10 years old and 12 years old, respectively, and that female memories of secret place were clearer in order of ages, such as 8 years, 11 years and 6 years. As a result, the age of females was 2-4 years younger than males with respect to their primary psycho-scenes in memories. 2). The secret place in memories varied depending on birth places. Females showed more difference than males in the secret places in their memories so that the difference in their birth places could lead to the difference in both their growth environment and life styles. 3). For males, it was shown that their characteristics of experience in having secret or hidden place were entirely similar in all their birth places. While people from local cities had less memories of playing places, places remaining in memories, and love related places compared to rural areas, those who were from local cities and their surrounding areas were shown to have more individual places in memories than those from urban and rural areas. It seems, therefore, that there is a difference in the secret place in memories between birth places. 4). Although the most preferred season for accessing their secret place was the summer, ti was shown that generally there was no its significant relation with the season. 5). The factors of experience in making their secret place were analysed to understand correlations between them. It was shown, then, that its correlation was not significant, but that time was very important in determining the pattern of places.