Title The Effect of Building Energy Rating on the Balcony Remodeling in Apartment
Authors Park Hyo-Soon ; Hong Sung-Hee ; Kim Ji-Yeon ; Suh Seung-Jik
Page pp.295-302
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Balcony Remodeling ; Building Energy Rating System
Abstract In despite of an unlawful act, the balcony in apartments has been extended as a part of living space for better available space. So for occupants' convenience, the government announced that balcony remodeling will be legal from the following year. But when the balcony is remodeled, problems would take place such as noise, dew condensation, increase in heating energy, and so on. Building energy consumption takes up to 24% of total energy consumption. In order to save energy in residential building, it is required that insulation performance should be improved with the balcony remodeling. So we studied an effect of Building Energy Rating on the balcony remodeling in apartment. using building energy rating program of Korea Institute of Energy Research(KIER), and J apartment complex certificated as 'rating-2' is analysed. As a result, when living room is expanded, building energy rating goes down to 'rating-3'. Additionally, as inner area is expanded more, building energy rating goes down to below 'rating-3'. As alternatives for these problems of thermal performance, we suggested that additional insulations within walls and thermal-improved windows like Low-e glazing and Argon glazing might be effective, and we simulated the effect of the alternatives. we expected that building energy rating would be kept up if insulation performance of wall and window is improved at expanded area.