Title Activity-oriented Quality Costs Measurement and Analysis for Construction Projects
Authors Song Sang-Hoon ; Lee Hyun-Soo ; Park Moon-Seo
Page pp.129-138
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Quality ; Quality Management ; Quality Cost ; Activity-based Costing ; Multi-dimensional Analysis
Abstract In the customer-focused paradigm, a high level of quality in product or service can strengthen competitiveness, raise market-share, and provide a basis for long-term relationship with owners. But in most cases, the lack of quantitative data makes it more difficult for managers to judge the current status of quality appropriately during construction phase. Though quality can be used as one of the critical indicators to check the current project, no practical guideline to measure quality has been presented so far. As a solution to this problem this study proposed the method to collect and analyze the cost of quality in construction projects. Cost of quality can play an intermediate role in managing quality from the cost perspective and can contribute to the success of construction project ultimately.