Title A Study on the Digital Life Style for the Design of Digital Home
Authors Oh Chan-Ohk
Page pp.67-75
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Digital Home ; Intelligent Home ; Life Style ; Digital Life Style
Abstract The purpose of this study was to examine the digital life style of the families. It would be the useful data to design the digital home. The digital life style consisted of 10 aspects : family oriented life, simple meal preparing, digital consuming and economic life, information search and communication using internet, home working, home education, recreation and cultural life, exercising and healthy life, pro-environmental life, and innovative life. The subjects were 395 housewives who lived in apartments of various sizes in Busan. The data were collected using by the questionnaire which consisted of 40 items to describe the digital life style and 8 items to examine the characteristics of the subjects. The results were as followings; 1) Among 10 aspects of the digital life style, the pro-environmental life, family-oriented life, and exercising and healthy life were most important aspects in their lives. 2) The age of housewife was the most influential variable which affected on the digital life style. That is, many aspects of the digital life style were significantly different according to the age of housewife. This means that the digital home would have the potentiality to the young generation.