Title A Study on Conceptual Analysis of Transparency through the Transition of Visual Paradigm since Modernism
Authors Kim Jun ; Yoo Jae-Woo
Page pp.95-102
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Regard ; Perception ; Sensation ; Transparency ; Transmission ; Translucency
Abstract The purpose of this study was to analyze the concept of Transparency according to the flow of a time and to predict the conceptional probability of transparency. Transparency is originated from necessity of lighting and view in ancient era. In modern times it is suggested by S.Giedion for expression of space-time concept and the theory analyed by Colin Rowe. According with his viewpoint, Transparency is the concept for architectural space which has the deepeness in the shallow space. Furthermore, In the present age it's concept is analyzed to have ambiguity and ambivalence by Anthony Vidler. Throughout various levels of discourse architectural transparency undergo changing the concept from the level of materiality to the level of relation between the object and the subject.