Title A Study on the Suitable supply of Community and Service Facilities according to Component Ratio by Size of Floor Space in Apartment Complexes
Authors Choi Im-Joo
Page pp.159-168
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Apartment Complexes ; Community and Service Facilities ; Suitable Supply ; Component Ratio ; Site Planning
Abstract Currently, the regulation for community and service facilities in apartment complexes is planed according to the number of households. However, the legal standard for community and facilities does not correspond to various living conditions of inhabitants and actual requirements. So, the purpose of this research is to analyse the current status of those by investigating the satisfaction levels of inhabitants and to provide data that can be referred for planning. The research concluded as follows: 1) the housing code regulation should be amended to consider not only the number of households but also the ratio of types in terms of floor area; 2) the new types of facilities should be provided to meet the contemporary requirements and; 3) the active and positive perspectives of architects and constructors on the facilities are necessary.