Title Hybrid Identity of Korean Architects on『Choson-Geonchook』in the Colonial Aftermath
Authors Kim So-Yeon ; Lee Dong-Eon
Page pp.207-216
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Hybrid Identity ; Micro-history ; Macro-history ; Nationalism ; Modernization ; Colonial Otherness
Abstract The main issue of this paper is to reinterpret the identity of Korean architects after Japanese colonial period in micro-historical way. The grand narrative of nationalism and modernization, in macro-historical perspective, concealed diverse and multiple identity of architects. The class identity of architects was modern intelligentsia educated and trained under Japanese Imperialism, which could not belong to imperial ruler, native hierarchy and subaltern in colony. The ideological identity, split by different experience and individual value inside class identity, made up dichotomous category such as the conservatives and the progressives, the left and the right wing, etc. The boundary between the categories, however, was blurred by ambivalent coexistence of modern idea and pre-modern lifestyle. The gender identity demonstrates architects were never free from traditional patriarchy however progressive they might be. In addition, the colonial identity reproduced orientalism, internalized through colonial experiences, after colonial period. It is the post-colonial identity that all above identities are complicatedly hybridized. Hybridized thus, the post-colonial identity of Korean architects constituted something new and different between indigenous traditional architecture and colonial modern architecture. This hybridizing process is the process of rehabilitating colonial otherness in the third way.