Title An Experimental Study on the Reduction Methods for Floor Impact Sound through Model Structure Tests
Authors Kim Sun-Woo ; Song Jin-Gyu ; Hwang Jae-Seung ; Song Min-Jeong ; Gi No-Gab
Page pp.251-258
ISSN 12269093
Keywords 고체형 감쇠기
Abstract Wall slab model structures with two side opening were constructed and vibration control system such as fluid damper, viscoelastic damper were installed to the models for reducing the floor impact sound without increasing of slab thickness. Moment frame model structure was also constructed to compare how the floor impact sound level is different from the structural types of a apartment house.
Experiments of this study were performed in two different boundary condition of wall slab models. In the first one boundary condition, two side opening part were sealed with sandwich panels. This means the side wall do not affect the boundary condition of slab. In the other, two side opening were blocked by 0.5 B brick wall. This is similar to the boundary condition of a real apartment house.
The result of this study is summarized. 1) The floor impact sound insulation performance of moment frame structure is better than that of wall slab structure by 5 dB in the first boundary condition. 2) Post tensioning has little improvement in floor impact sound insulation. 3) After blocking the side opening with 0.5 brick wall, impact sound at low frequency range of wall slab structure is higher than that of moment frame structure by 10dB, approximately. 4) H section steel with viscoelastic rubber has lessened the floor impact noise in 50-80 Hz frequency range and Urethane mounting on H section steel has good reduction effect in low frequency range, particularly.