Title A Study on the Application of Multipurpose BIPV System(MBIPVS)
Authors Suh Seung-Jik ; Kim Eui-Jong
Page pp.259-268
ISSN 12269093
Keywords BIPV ; Correlation ; Daylight Utilizing System
Abstract Since fossil energy like oil is being exhausted around the world and energy consumption of residential buildings is up to 18% of total amounts of energy consumption in South Korea, adopting renewable energy like photovoltaic in the residential buildings is required increasingly. With these situations, we proposed a new Multipurpose-BIPV-System(hereafter referred to as MBIPVS) utilizing various natural resources on a roof, to reduce energy consumption on a residential building. To decide each parameter of the system for optimum operation, we analyzed heat transfer equations with steady-state method, and then we proposed a dynamic heat equivalent model for calculating transient energy consumption. As a result, we reduced 87.2[kWh/㎡] in total loads with compared to a normal model when adopting MBIPVS; therefore, we expect that the system would be an alternative to save energy in the residential building.