Title Insulation Performance Evaluation of the Aluminum and PVC Framed Double Glazing Window Systems with Low-e Coating and Insulation Spacer
Authors Song Seung-Yeong ; Kim Soo-Mee ; Park Hyo-Soon
Page pp.285-292
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Insulation ; Low-e ; Insulation Spacer ; Window System
Abstract This study aims to evaluate insulation performance of aluminum and PVC framed double glazing window systems with low-e coating and insulation spacer by the heat transfer simulation. To the aluminum and PVC framed double glazing window systems with and without low-e coating and insulation spacer, U-factors of each part and total window system were calculated for the evaluation of energy performance. Also temperature difference ratio was derived from the lowest inside surface temperature for the evaluation of inside surface condensation under the various conditions of inside air temperature, humidity and outside air temperature. The results show that the application of low-e coating and insulation spacer can substantially increase the energy performance and temperature difference ratio for preventing inside surface condensation, respectively.