Title Application of Detached Exterior Shading Device for Improvement of Building Environment Performance
Authors Choi Won-Ki ; Suh Seung-Jik
Page pp.293-300
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Detached Exterior Shading Device ; Thermal Performances ; Daylighting Performances ; IES_VE
Abstract This study aims to develop a new shading device which is detached from an installation in the building. We called this system a 'Detached Exterior Shading Device'(hereafter referred to as DESD). In this paper, various applications are suggested and we analyzed those performances. We focused not only on the thermal performances such as heating/cooling load and monthly solar fraction, but also on the daylighting performances according to the time variation.
The results were proved to be an effective semi-passive solar system for the improvement of building environmental performance for south, east and west orientations. When DESD is installed in the west facade, its thermal performance, compared with the non-installed western building, is the best, because the western buildings have the worst heating and cooling load.
Consequently, we believe that DESD is much better than conventional shading devices in utilizing the solar energy resource : daylight control ; reduction in auxiliary air conditioning demand ; PV applications.