Title An Experimental Study on the Characteristics of Vertical Vibration Transfer according to Rahmen Building Structures due to Exciting Vibration Forces
Authors Chun Ho-Min
Page pp.3-10
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Fundamental Frequency ; Prediction of Vibration ; Property of Structural Members ; Vertical Vibration ; Vibration Transfer
Abstract In general, the vertical vibration problems for strength of members and serviceability of building structures are not considered in structural design process, but the prediction of the vertical vibration is very important and essential to structural design process.
The vibration on building structures due to exciting vibration forces has been studied only for the vibration level on existing buildings. Recently, several researches have been performed on the prediction of vertical vibration on structures by using an analytical method. However, these studies have been focused on mainly the vibration analysis through analytical modeling of structures. This study aims to investigate the dynamic characteristics of vertical vibration transfer from lower stories to upper ones on the Rahmen building structures due to 2 type vibration forces. This investigation could be utilized to estimate the base data of the characteristics of vertical vibration transfer on the structures due to traffic loads in the future. In order to examine the characteristics of vertical vibration transfer, the mode analysis and the impact experiment were conducted several times on three building structures.
The results of this study suggest that the characteristics of vertical vibration transfer are very different in terms of the directions of transfer(upward transfer and downward transfer).