Title An Approach to Facilitate Knowledge Streams of Building Industry Clients
Authors Kim Ju-Hyung
Page pp.135-143
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Building Industry Client ; Building Industry Clients Aid ; Knowledge Management ; Knowledge Streams ; Information System
Abstract The normative models guiding the purposeful activities of the building industry client have been presented. In particular, more attention needs to be paid to clients at the pre-project stage because in general, occasional clients show a lack of knowledge at this stage. To counteract the lack of knowledge, theories and practices of knowledge management (KM) can provide a logical means to support them. The reviews of knowledge theory and KM suggest that knowledge should be approached as streams (or flows), rather than assets to manage; people-bound aspects, such as attitude and behaviour, should be considered with system-bound aspects. Given that necessary knowledge for clients also flows at the societal level, in order to sustain the knowledge streams for them, two approaches to cultivate context are suggested: Market-approached context, where the service providers maintain knowledge for marketing and network-approached context, where the clients provide knowledge for maintaining reference power. This paper presents a scheme to facilitate knowledge streams of clients based on these two concepts. In order to validate the feasibility of scheme and to clarify the limits, a prototype of information systems that are enabling sustainable knowledge streams are implemented for a specific group of clients, housing cooperatives in urban renewal areas, Busan.