Title The Proper Number of Personnels Analysis for Multi-owned Buildings Maintenance Except for Apartment Buildings
Authors Kim Tae-Hui ; Kim Yong-In ; Kim Seung-Jin
Page pp.161-168
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Multi-owned Buildings ; Maintenance ; Maintenance Personnel
Abstract Multi-owned buildings are facilities that divided and hold by lots of persons. Good examples are apartment, commercial, officetel and apartment plus commercial buildings etc. Among the multi-owned buildings, apartment buildings have been maintained systematically according to their significance by the housing law. But the other multi-owned buildings such as commercial, officetel and apartment plus commercial buildings are not maintained well due to the absence of related laws and it is essential to assure proper number of personnels for systematic maintenance.
Thus the object of this paper is the basic data analysis for the proper number of personnels for the efficient management of multi-owned buildings excluding apartment buildings. The analysis for the maintenance persons are classified according to the field and the scale. And this paper proposes the proper maintenance method of small multi-owned buildings.