Title A Study on the Development and Transformation Process of the Architectural Design Concept in the Studio Works
Authors Ku Bon-Deok
Page pp.73-80
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Development of Design Concept ; Transformation ; Significance and Problems
Abstract This study is the second half of the full study on「The significance and problems of the studio works focused on formulation of the design concept」. The main topics of the research are; 1) The early stage design process according to the types of the design concept. 2) The different development procedures of the same initial design concept. 3) The trial and error procedure of the concept development. The overall conclusion of the research are as follows;
1) The purpose of the education and the significance of concept formulation should be informed to the students in advance. 2) The procedure, content and presentation of the programming should be emphasized for the better results of concept-focused design method. 3) Methods of generating and transforming the design concept should be informed to the students in advance.