Title A Study on the School Network Plan for Use of School Facilities as Local Community Facilities
Authors Lee Sang-Jun ; Song Seung-Jun ; Lee Young
Page pp.115-126
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Local Community Facilities ; School Facilities ; Elementary School ; Joint Venture & Use ; School Network ; Seongnam City ; The Old Section
Abstract Elementary school, as a center of neighborhood unit, has high potential of being developed into a public facility of local community besides its original education use. In order to solve the lack of public facilities, it would activate local community that interlinking elementary schools and other public facilities in a reasonable and economic way. To be specific, existing facilities of elementary schools could be a useful medium of facilitating local community. In regard of reality including physical level and program limit, it can be more efficient that education facilities of one elementary school is connected to facilities of other elementary schools or local community facilities rather than that individual facilities is simply improved its own physical condition.
Thus, the purpose of this study is to propose the concept of school network system which is based on zoning of educational facilities for complex use. It has been processed by focusing on educational facilities of elementary schools and higher education in the old section of Seongnam city. Also, it clarified that the characteristics and structural problems of school network were rooted from the formation of the city and spatial change of its structure. Finally, this study suggests the possibility of rearranging parts of elementary schools and higher education facilities on the premise of ongoing redevelopment project of Seongnam city. Accordingly, school network has been revised to be more efficient and systematic.