Title A Study on Urban Design Guideline Which is Considering Local Identity in Accordance with Military Base Relocation in Yongsan Urban Core
Authors Kim Won-Pil ; Bae Woong-Kyoo
Page pp.191-198
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Yongsan ; U.S. Military Base ; Local Identity ; Relocation ; Friendly Environment
Abstract Historically Yongsan area of Seoul has been the center of military uses, even though most of them occupied by foreign forces. Since the MOA(Memorandum of agreement) regarding the relocation of U.S. Army base has been accorded by Korean and U.S. government in 1990, the appropriate development of the area in accordance with moving out of military facilities has been hot issue in recent years. Moreover, building construction of War Museum, Yongsan Family park, and National Central Museum without long-term mater plan raised more confuse for the adequate development goals and objectives. Therefore, the main purpose of the study intended to analyse current problems and opportunities for improving local identity and proper urban function and to propose the most desirable development directions for Yongsan military base. The research found that new development in relation with thema park needed to comply with existing historically significant structures for the preservation of local tradition and cultural assets, and that efficient circulation of automobiles and pedestrians had potential of easy accessibility from other areas Moreover, concept of green networks around the area, harmonious urban skyline, eco-park, cultural public open space were explored for sustainable development and friendly environment.