Title A Study on the Planning Method of Railway Station Plaza
Authors Park Young-Dal ; Lee Dong-Bae
Page pp.209-216
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Railway Station Plaza ; the Station Areas ; Traffic and Environment Areas
Abstract The purpose of this study is to develop a planning method of railway station plaza through investigation and analysis of exampled. The role of the railway station plaza as a connector between the railway station and the surrounding area is quite important, yet there are no clear standards on deciding size, facility locations, and the system of pedestrians circulation. the main purpose of the study being to investigate railway station plazas in Japan to provide fundamental information for future railway station plaza planning. we analyzed eight case of railway station plaza, JR Funabasi Station, Meitetsu toyota Station, Kurosaki Station, Fukusima Station, Hanamaki Station, Marugame Station, Toyohashi Station, Sapporo Station. As a result of analyzing Japanese cases, the process of space organization of the plaza is classified together with confirmation of the elements and system of pedestrian circulation that should be considered as main factors in the railway station planning.