Title A Comparative Study on the Indoor Air Pollutant Emission according to Construction Processing of Building Materials
Authors Yu Hyung-Kyu ; Park Jin-Chul ; Rhee Eon-Ku
Page pp.247-254
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Building Materials ; Multi-layers Building Materials ; Small Chamber ; Formaldehyde ; TVOC ; Emission
Abstract Indoor air quality(IAQ) problem in newly-constructed multi-family houses becomes serious social problem that threatens people health such as Sick Building Syndrome(SBS) and Sick House Syndrome(SHS). Formaldehyde and total volatile organic compounds(TVOC) from building materials have been known as main causes of IAQ problem in these houses. Because multi-family houses are built in large quantities in a similar manner, selection of inappropriate building materials and method seriously affect IAQ adversly.
In this study, building materials classified by their ingredients and usage are tested to understand formaldehyde and TVOC emission characteristics. Among these materials, with test result of emission intensity and their feature, building materials are selected and 4 types multi-layers building materials are made equally with actual construction methods, and experimented emission intensity. After that, two Mock-Up laboratory which suppose bedroom and living room or remodelling are made. In this Mock-Up laboratory, material that TVOC emission intensity is small applied to A Room and big to B Room, and are compared difference.