Title Hybrid Experiment of Structures Using A Shaking Table
Authors Lee Sung-Kyung ; Min Kyung-Won ; Park Eun-Churn
Page pp.57-63
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Shaking Table Testing Method ; Substructuring Technique ; Experimental Substructure ; Numerical Substructure ; Hybrid Experiment
Abstract Substructuring technique is a method that an original structural model is divided into two parts, experimental and numerical substructures, and then its dynamic characteristic is replicated with only experimental substructure that corresponds to the experimentally investigated part. This paper proposes a shaking table testing method based on the substructuring technique and discusses its experimental verification. By applying the substructuring technique to an original structural model, it is decomposed into two parts; an upper experimental substructure with multi degrees-of-freedom and an lower numerical substructure. The interface force becomes to act between their interface due to artificial dividing into two parts. In this paper, a numerical substructure corresponding to the lower part with single or multi degrees-of-freedom of the original multi degrees-of-freedom structure is incorporated into the control computer of shaking table to produce the interface acceleration by inputting the interface force which is experimentally measured from the upper experimental substructure. The shaking table is used for exciting the upper experimental substructure with the motion of the interface acceleration calculated from the numerical substructure. Experimental results show the validity of the proposed method, in which the experiment can be implemented with a good accuracy using the feedback of the absolute acceleration measured from the upper experimental substructure into the shaking table controller.