Title A Study on Collapse Causes of the Stone Pagoda of Miruksa Temple Site using Structural Analysis
Authors Hong Seok-Il ; Kim Ho-Soo ; Jung Sung-Jin ; Kim Ok-Kyu ; Kim Derk-Moon ; Song Ha-Young
Page pp.89-96
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Stone Pagoda of the Mireuksa Temple Site ; Distinct Element Method ; Collapse Cause ; Structural Analysis
Abstract The stone pagoda on the Mireuksa temple site is one of the oldest and grandest stone pagodas which remain in Korea today. However, this stone pagoda was collapsed at past, and only six stories of the northeastern part was remained. Therefore, it is important to know original structure and form of this stone pagoda. Hypotheses about collapse cause of this stone pagoda are presented as four cases; collapse by earthquake, collapse by fragility of ground, collapse by durability reduction, and collapse by lightning. These hypotheses should be studied through detailed investigation about present state of this stone pagoda. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate collapse causes of this stone pagoda through structural analysis and virtual simulation on the basis of four collapse hypotheses.