Title Experimental Study on the Hysteretic Behavior of Interior Steel Beam-to-Column Connections Subjected to Axial Load
Authors Yang Cheol-Min ; Kim Young-Moon
Page pp.97-104
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Unsymmetric Loading ; Axial Load ; Failure Mode ; Moment-rotation Curve ; Initial Stiffness ; Energy Dissipation
Abstract This paper discusses the cyclic behavior of three interior steel beam-to-column connections tested under constant axial load and cyclic loads. These specimens possess three types of beam-to-column connection, namely, Double Web Angle(DWA4), Top and Seat angles with Double web angle(TSD4) and Fully Welded connection(FW4). The test specimens were subjected to constant axial force and cyclic loads to simulate the interior steel sub-assemblages under gravity and lateral loads. Few studies on the interior connection under both axial and cyclic loads found in the literature. To describe the interior connection response the following characteristics have to be derived from the tests: mechanism of failure, elastic limit, plastic resistance, ductility, moment-rotation response, initial stiffness, energy dissipation and so on.