Title Generation of Artificial Earthquake Wave Compatible with Design Spectrumand Its Response Characteristics
Authors Jun Dae-Han ; Kang Ho-Geun
Page pp.121-128
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Artificial Earthquake Wave ; Phase Angles ; Design Spectrum ; Seismic Response
Abstract This paper deals with a generation of artificial earthquake wave compatible with design spectrum. In seismic response analysis of building structures, the input ground accelerations have considerable effect on dynamic characteristics of structures. The artificial earthquake wave are generated according to the previously recorded earthquake waves in past earthquake events. It is appointed that the artificial wave have identical phase angles to the recorded earthquake wave, and their overall response spectra are compatible with seismic design spectrum with 5% critical viscous damping.
Each artificial earthquake wave has a identical phase angles to the original recorded ground acceleration, and match to design response spectra in the range of period from 0.02 to 10.0 seconds. It was concluded that the artificial earthquake waves simulated in this paper are applicable as input ground motions for a seismic response analysis of building structures.