Title An Experimental Study on the Engineering Properties of Concrete using Meta Kaolin
Authors Lee Sang-Soo
Page pp.137-144
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Durability ; Meta Kaolin ; Silica Fume ; Slag Powder ; Replacement Ratio ; Workability ; Total Pore Volume
Abstract There are many methods to improve the performance of concrete. Especially, admixture materials used in concrete as the replacement materials of cement, could contribute to improve the fluidity, strength and durability of concrete.
In this study, the experiment was carried out to investigate and analyze the influence of replacement ratio of meta kaolin and types of admixture materials on the engineering properties of concrete. The main experimental variables were water/binder ratio 30, 40, 50(%), replacement ratio of meta kaolin 0, 10, 20, 30(%) and water/binder ratio 40%, types of admixture materials such as meta kaolin, silica fume, slag powder.
According to the test results, the principle conclusions are summarized as follows
(1) The workability of concrete using meta kaolin tends to decrease, as the replacement ratio increases. (2) The air content of concrete using meta kaolin tends to decrease, as the replacement ratio increases. (3) The compressive strength of concrete using meta kaolin tends to increase, as the replacement ratio increases. (4) The total pore volume of concrete using meta kaolin tends to decrease when the replacement ratio increases, excepting replacement ratio of meta kaolin 30%.…………………………………………………………………………………………………