Title A Case Study of the Development Project to Construct Facilities for the Main Building Previously Ordered by a Local Government
Authors Kim Ju-Hyung ; Kim Hee-Jeong ; Ha Chang-Sick
Page pp.145-152
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Client Briefing ; Local Government ; Developer ; Separated Order
Abstract Local governments have established strategies to develop their regions to attract investments. In order to implement it, they have ordered various types of development projects. One of them is to order the main facilities in previous and invite developers from the private sector to develop the area. This type of approach can provide benefits to the both: the local government can reduce risks; the developer can expect administrative supports from the government. However, due to the different perspectives on the goal of project, many problems could occur. Despite the potential of this type of project, unique aspects of it have not been analysed yet. This paper aims to present a theoretical framework to analyse this type of project in terms of the contents of client briefing according to normative roles of the both, project organization structure, project process, tasks performed by the both, their recognition levels on the various risks and their effects on the project process. Data collected for one and half year is analysed according to the framework and presented as a case study. As a result, solutions for counteracting to problems are presented in the line of the framework.